I got a call from my friend this morning asking me what I feel about Marathi people or people of Maharashtra after what they did yesterday? I asked what have "they" done yesterday? He was surprised and said in an angry tone that, they have beaten people from North India. How can you not know this? I am sure that now you want to change your views (I had written this post around a year back and I had discussed this with him as well). I replied no I still stick to my views, I still think that Maharashtrians are very nice people just like everyone else. I am surprised though that a well educated guy like my friend has started doubting all his friends from Maharashtra just because some politically instigated people made some ruckus. Don't tell me that your integrity is that fragile.
Though I have a message for the people of Maharashtra as well they should not start thinking that having people from outside is bad. Mumbai is the financial capital of India not only it runs Maharashtra it runs India as well (it has a port that's why the business flourished here the most). The basic economics says that to have a successful business you will have to deal with outsiders. Mumbai cannot sustain on its own. If people from outsiders move out the business will die here, I have not seen any successful closed economy.
We all should grow together as a country and no one should be arrogant just because what they hold at present as you never know what the future holds for us. Who knows the advantage of Mumbai (being at sea level) may turn into its disadvantage, if the water level rises (like we saw 2 years ago on 26th July the whole Mumbai was drowned). High altitudes of North will make a good choice for all the people here. The idea is very simple don't let people affect you so easily, always keep the bigger picture in mind.
Interesting discussion in the comments.
Tarun Chandel
Life, Learning and Technology

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Hi Tarun ...
I must admit that whatever happened was NOT right but at the same time I just hoped that these actions do not change the frame of mind of common man like you and me.
And coming here, I am glad that at least one mind I know has not been affected.
God! I simply do not understand things that happen these days, my friend is right, perhaps. I am not worth living in this world of today.
If discrimination on religion and / or sex was not enough these big bullies have now come up with this.
It is time for the common man to show them that WE are not going to fall prey to all this.
The rain terror in Mumbai was a major example of unity and a tight slap in the face of such a**h****
I wonder whether had they been stuck in the rain with no help but a marathi man around, would they prefer dying rather than taking his help? We do not need answer for this one, do we?
I had this covered some time back. You need to understand that what MNS is doing is is nothing new. As long as man would have his herd instincts, these conflict would keep happening. Plan and simple. And it is not about somebody being nice or not.That is too simplistic a view. Indian nationalism is a cacophony of many sub-nationalisms owing to our wide spread tribal identities. Thats the reason I prefer to be strictly individualistic even if Tribal love keeps tugging at my heart.
Of by the way, an analysis of MNS behavior is here:
Anatomy of Social conflicts
Raj Thackerey n his bunch of hooligans(read MNS) basically have nothing better to do in their life and to be very much frank they'ave been thriving on this flawed concept of being maharashtrian since long...Somehow they fail to understand that to grow as a country every part of it needs to develop at the same rate...and aren't we Indians first then Maharashtrian or northies...just reminds me of a scene in Chak de where all these new gurl join their training session are supposed to give their introduction to SRK..n all these gurls start introducing themselves as chautala-Haryana etc...n he makes them repeat and take a round of the ground till the time Vidya Malvade introduces herself as "Vidya Sharma- India"...thats what we need to encourage and inculcate in people...well written post and nice thinking!
Idea of India is still fragile. India can easily be 26 different countries. You need to understand what a nation is and how it is defined. Platitudes like "we are all indians" is good for 20% of those who live in cities, have a cozy life, control media, go abroad for holidays, have never voted and fly kingfisher. Migration of people even from on districts to other create problems and has always caused, specially when your livelihood is affected (or you percieve so), our land is snatched and your are pushed to the margins. Raj T is a moron no doubt, but you need to understand that he is feeding on people who harbour ill will against another set of people. Just like Shiv Sena did 30 years ago by ensuring that Mumbai was converted into a largely maharastrian city. It is dangerous trend for nation, but idea of India is only a century old and we are already in danger of becoming a fragmented nation.
May be not many people realise that there is silent revolution happening in countryside agisnst very democracy fermented by people who have been pushed out of their homes by an emerging India (tribals). It is called naxalism. There is no national party anymore which can stand on its own and regionalism is ruling. Sub-nationalism is spreading. Ever heard of Tamil nationalism or dravidian movement? Or Telgu desam? Sikh separatism ran amock for a decade. JnK is hardly indian territory. North easterns are not even made to feel part of mainland. There is army deployed in 3 out of 7 north eastern states. Heard of ULFA, Naga/Mizo liberation force? Gorkhas have been demanding Gorkhaland for decades in northern part. Muslism have been almost but subjugated in Gujarat which seems to have mind of its own. Maharastrians say "jay maharastra". BJP wants us to think that hindus make this nation. Mayawati hates manuwadi hindus. Dalits dont think they are hindus. Dravidians accuse aryans amd north indians of hagemony.
Blame it on Politicians? Nah honey, dont talk about common man. he doesnt exist. Just cricket, SRK and Bollywood doesn't make us indian.
Ok, this was just a bloody pessimistic outlet.
This is the attitude we all need.
When someone from our own community is spilling venom or acting irreponsibly, we should stand up against that person, more than people from any other community.
Just like several Gujjus stood up against Modi during riots or like those Sikhs who fought the rogues in their own community and brought Punjab out of terrorism, all Marathis should stand up again this man, who is trying to refuel regional divide in this great nation....
As an extreme statement, Raj or any such politicians who try this kind of divisive politics, should be tried for conspiracy of breaking up the nation
The battle is not between North Indian's vs. Marathi people; the battle is between to political parties MNS vs. Samajwadi party. ist my feelings and may be I am too young to understand politic but this is my view .. m I right? Rohit Tripathi
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Hey nice post!
Hey nice post!
--> Everyone: It feels good to read that all of you understand that it is important stay human and keep judge everything before accepting it.
Tarun you have said it nicely "no one should be arrogant just because what they hold at present as you never know what the future holds for us."
Not many think about it...
great post
thanks for this post.
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